Time Marches On...

So I turned thirty recently, making me a grim-n'-grizzled veteran of, well, not very much. However, I do have a bunch of fantastic cards and such made by some of my artist friends to show you! Click to embiggenify.

This one's an Iain Laurie special request by the Hope Street Studios gang, with colours by chromatic conjurer Derek Dow. Thanks to all in Hope Towers!

Birthday wishes from Rob Miller's Big Moff with a fantastic gate-fold design, unfolded for your benefit here. A sufficiently massive turd for such a momentous age:

You might recognise this guy from a few posts back, but we're not talking about him yet. Art by Iain Laurie.

And a wee present from the superbly skilled Robert Thomson.

Needless to say I was most chuffed with all of the above - thanks all!

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